Teacher Self-and Collective Efficacy in Teaching Javanese: A Study of Indonesian Urban and Suburban Teachers

Surana Surana


This study aimed to reveal Indonesian urban and suburban teachers’ self- and collective efficacy in teaching Javanese, to look at the difference between them, and to know the possible influential factor in predicting their self- and collective efficacy. This quantitative research used cross-sectional survey with 200 teachers who taught Javanese in urban and suburban high school level in East Java Province, Indonesia, as the research respondents. Data were collected using Javanese Teacher’s Efficacy Scale with six-point Likert’s scaling method (α = .97). The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive statistics analysis, MANOVA, and hierarchical multiple regression. Results showed that Indonesian teacher self- and collective efficacy in teaching Javanese were in a high category, of 72.74% and 72.19% respectively. Moreover, there was a significant with large difference between urban and suburban TSE and CTE. In this case, urban teachers perceived higher TSE and CTEthan suburban teachers. Another finding showed thatteaching motivation was the most significant predictive source that affected the formation of high TSE (β = .241) and CTE (β = .247).


Teacher self-efficacy, teacher collective efficacy, urban, suburban, Javanese teaching

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