Online Learning on the Covid-19 Pandemic to Create Educational Access Inequality

Subur Subur


Education is the right of every student, therefore access to education is a necessity. Education during a pandemic is carried out through online learning as an alternative. The goal is to ensure continuity of education for students. With online learning, it is hoped that students can still learn optimally because it is supported by more practical and efficient facilities so that they can learn without having to go to school. In online learning, various difficulties are faced by students. Students from underprivileged circles feel the most difficulty in this online learning. This paper focuses on research on the experiences of students from economically disadvantaged families in accessing education. The research objective was to analyze inequality in access to education, including its factors and implications. Sources of data in this study were elementary school teachers in the district Kedungbanteng and students who do not have online learning tools. This research uses descriptive-qualitative-phenomenological research with data collection through field observations and open interviews with informants. The collected data were analyzed through reduction, display and verification of data / conclusions. The results showed that the difficulty of access felt by students from economically weak circles in the form of (1) online learning activities were given in the form of giving assignments using the WhatsApp group application which was considered the easiest application, (2) student participation in online learning activities was low because students must borrow a cellphone belonging to a relative or friend, (3) students have difficulty accessing learning resources from the internet, (4) most parents are unable to provide regular assistance or help complete their child's assignments, because of the time available more used to earn a living, so that children's difficulties are not resolved properly, (5) the learning conditions of students at home have the initiative to learn independently, but there are those who do not have the initiative to learn so that time is used a lot to play, (6) motivation student learning decreased by curry na there is no interaction with teachers or friends, while parents are less accustomed to encouraging learning, even though they are with children at home and (7) the teacher's assessment of students who cannot afford it is based on work results which are then compared with the results of pre-term assignments pandemic. 



Access to Education; inequality in education; online learning, pandemic period

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