New Concepts of Ecological-Social Justice: A Micro-Optic Reflection on Ecological Citizenship Education in Indonesia

Andang Listya Binawan


This study aims to explain how the Go Green Movement at schools initiated by the Indonesian government becomes a starting point for reflection on ecological citizenship education and social justice. Reflection on such an initiative reinforces the importance of citizenship education as citizens are associated with a territorial view of the country based on tangible ‘‘land.’’ Therefore, the state's role in education is to empower its citizens and create new societal behaviors, or habitus, as part of a social justice concept.  In the past, the role of habitus within the context of social justice was easily dismissed.  Currently, more availability of social facilities and infrastructures implies environmental care by the state, resulting in new habitus. The relational nature of social justice highlights that the state needs to be recognized and respected as a separate entity. Subsequently, encompassing the environment and caring for its citizens embodied in the ecological habitus, the state plays an important role in attaining ecological-social justice.


ecological citizenship education, social justice, Indonesia, habitus, micro-optic view

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