Information Communication Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, and Social Robotics: A Complex-Thinking Vector in Higher Education?

Jose Jaime Baena-Rojas, Isolda Margarita Castillo-Martínez, Juana Isabel Mendez-Garduño, Paloma Suárez-Brito, Edgar Omar López-Caudana


Various technological devices, especially information communications technologies (ICTs), have become increasingly remarkable in higher education to help develop students' skills and qualifications. Considering this trend, supported by several academic theories, this paper proposes a breakthrough guidebook for universities and other scholastic environments based on reasoning-for-complexity using mainly artificial intelligence (AI) and social robotics (SR). The current research provides the instructions to follow in a real class supported by AI and SR with a precise compendium of steps. On the one hand, this is done by reviewing previous studies on educational processes with AI and SR and synthesizing their findings to draw out common themes from the literature. These topics are categorized into clusters in the form of guiding questions that professors can use to prepare their classes. On the other hand, it describes the students' steps for completing the activities. These were developed with previous forms to establish different profiles and apply custom-made assessment activities. The final part of this paper involves a set of reflections regarding these two technological resources (AI and SR) to demonstrate their utility in education.


Artificial Intelligence; educational innovation; higher education, reasoning for complexity, social robotics,

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