Married & Wise - A Correlational Study of Wisdom, Well-Being, and ‎Resilience in Relation to Gender, Age and Marital Status

Moh'd A. Shoqeirat, Ahmed Jibreel Almatarneh, Mohammad Khalaf Alkhawaldeh, Mamduh Al-Zaben, Salwa A. Al Majali, Abdulnaser Algaralleh


Wisdom, well-being, and resilience are essential for individuals to effectively cope ‎with life's adversities. This study aims to  examine the relationship between wisdom, ‎well-being, and resilience within a sample of 223 participants (60 males and 163 ‎females) aged between 18 and 65 years. Moreover, gender, age, and marital status were ‎examined in relation to the three variables. The study utilized the San Diego Wisdom ‎Scale, the World Health Organization-5 Well-Being Index, and the Connor-Davidson ‎Resilience Scale for data collection.  Pearson correlation, t-test and Chi-square ‎analyses were employed to analyze the obtained results. The study findings revealed a ‎significant positive correlation between wisdom and resilience, psychological well-‎being and resilience, and well-being and age. No correlation was observed between ‎wisdom and well-being and wisdom and age. Males demonstrated having higher ‎psychological well-being, while females reported higher wisdom than males. ‎Furthermore, compared to unmarried individuals, married ones had higher ‎psychological well-being.‎


Age; gender; resilience; well-being; wisdom

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