Adaptation of the Global Citizenship Scale in a Multicultural Country: Kazakhstan

Saule Yussupova, Bulent Tarman, Emin Kilinc, Zhengisbek Tolen, Elnura Assyltayeva


With the increased involvement of universities in the internationalization process, educational institutions in Kazakhstan are modifying their programs and curricula to align with evolving labor markets and the national education environment. Therefore, it is crucial to examine the perceived discourse of global citizenship among Kazakh college students. The primary objective of this study is to adapt the Global Citizenship Scale to the context of the research. The research design employed in this study is a cross-sectional approach, utilizing quantitative methods to gather data and analyze the findings. Three hundred seventy-four (374) college students completed the scale. Based on the results of the exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and reliability calculations conducted for the adaptation of the Global Citizenship Scale, it has been determined that the scale is applicable within the context of Kazakhstan.


Global citizenship; Kazakhstan; scale

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