Need Analysis of Character Education-Based Local History Learning Resources

Bahri Bahri, Muhammad Syukur, Jumadi Jumadi, Andi Dewi Tati


This study aims to: (1) Obtain information regarding the gap between traditionally used local history learning resources and students' ability to understand the local character values of South Sulawesi Society, (2) Ascertain the opinions of students, lecturers, and the head of the History Education Study Program at Makassar State University regarding the necessity of character-based local history learning resources, and (3) Identify the local character values of South Sulawesi society intended for integration into the development of character-based local history learning resources. The research was conducted in the History Education Study Program from February to March 2023. The participants included students, lecturers, and the head of the history education study program at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law, Universitas Negeri Makassar. The researcher employed purposive sampling techniques. Data collection methods included observations, interviews, and questionnaire distribution. Information related to observational outcomes was gathered from documents such as semester program plans, reference books used in the learning process, and the learning process itself. Questionnaire and interview instruments were developed based on predefined criteria. Likert scales were utilized for the questionnaire measurements. Interview data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Data were interpreted and presented descriptively. Quantitative analysis was applied to the questionnaire results using descriptive analysis. Data validity was tested through data triangulation. The research findings suggest that based on the needs analysis, there is a perceived necessity to develop character-based learning resources, particularly integrating character values such as maradeka (democracy), alllempureng (honesty), agettengeng (steadfastness), assitinajang (propriety), and warani (courage) into local history content and learning as part of the pappaseng (message) culture of the Makassar Bugis tribe.


Character education; learning resources; local history; needs analysis

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