Adoption of the Metaverse for Higher Education: Structural Equation Modeling Approach in a Business School Context

Alicia Fernanda Galindo Manrique, Vanessa Villarreal-Vera, Francisco Javier Orozco-Bendímez, Maricela García-Montoya


The evolving Metaverse in Higher Education (HE) in Mexico can enrich pedagogy, facilitate skills development, and improve students' learning experience. This research aimed to identify the factors guiding the adoption of the Metaverse in a Business School in Mexico. A survey analysis was conducted to gauge insights from stakeholders on the Metaverse in HE. A total of 117 respondents, comprising students, professors, and staff members, completed the 21-item questionnaire. To determine the relationship between data, a quantitative analysis was performed using a structural equation model (SEM), and a path analysis was computed to illustrate the relationship among the adoption components of the UTAUT model. The study found no correlation between age, gender, and previous experience toward adopting the Metaverse. On the other hand, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions significantly impact the stakeholders' attitudes toward adopting this technology. The research reveals that a practical learning exercise in the Metaverse improved student knowledge acquisition. Implementing this model is to be at the service of concerned HE authorities to create an adequate environment for adopting the Metaverse in Universities in Mexico.


Adoption; higher education; metaverse; virtual reality; UTAUT Model

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