Narratives on CAS Shares HEART Extension Program: University’s Sustainable Community Response

Ma. Cristilina A. Montañez, Marcelina Sarte Deiparine, Geselle Ann C. Catalan, Shaira Monique A. Ballares


One of a University's four functions is to extend sustainable training programs that will help address any social issue in the community. This study evaluates the effectiveness of a University extension program. It focuses on the participants' skills acquired from the program and how they influence their job performance and quality of life. This study uses a qualitative approach and narrative inquiry design. Data collection methods included observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. Participants were selected through purposive sampling. By deriving significant themes from participants’ narratives, the findings revealed that the participants acquired technological, artistic, emotional, and kinesthetic skills. These skills enhanced their job performance, empowered their connections, and nurtured their purpose and direction. These findings imply that university extension programs play a crucial role in improving attitudes, skills, and knowledge among beneficiaries, ultimately enhancing their sense of purpose and quality of service in the workplace. This study will give insights to the curriculum developers attempting to initiate a community-responsive curriculum. Furthermore, these findings can assist educators in devising effective learning strategies where desired learning outcomes serve as a tool for community extension projects.


Community-responsive curriculum; effectiveness; extension programs; quality of life; sustainability; university

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