Evaluating DigiCraft for the development of digital competence: A qualitative Approach

Marcos Cabezas-González, Sonia Casillas-Martín, Ana García-Valcárcel Muñoz-Repiso


Digital competence, the ability to use and understand technology effectively, is fundamental in today's society. For this reason, several programmes have been launched in recent years to develop and improve it. DigiCraft, an educational programme of the Vodafone-Spain Foundation that aims to give Spanish children access to quality training in digital literacy, is one of the most important initiatives to develop this skill among students aged 6-12 in Spain. In addition to developing digital competence, it contributes to meeting the challenges of educational sustainability, which is particularly in line with Goal 4 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all". The purpose of this study is to explore and understand the results of the DigiCraft educational programme, taking into account the perspective of the different agents who participated in it, after three years of development. In this research, a qualitative methodology was chosen, using a semi-structured interview with open-ended questions as a tool to collect the evaluation of students and teachers involved in the programme. Sixteen centres from different contexts and Autonomous Communities were selected. The results obtained show the success of this programme in developing digital competence in children aged 6-12.


DigiCraft; digital competence; educational program; program evaluation; qualitative methodology

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