Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions of Global Citizenship Education in the Social Studies Curriculum

Kristina Andrews, Hasan Aydin


Schools in the United States are becoming increasingly multiculturally diverse, therefore making it imperative to identify a means to implement global citizenship effectively into the social studies curriculum. This qualitative case study sought to gain insight into the perceptions of pre-service teachers on global citizenship education in social studies. Twenty students were purposively selected for this study. Data from multiple sources, including open-ended semi-structured focus group interviews, classroom observations, discussion posts, and essay questions, were analyzed. To increase the verisimilitude of the study, the researchers bracketed themselves and used member checking and outside readers. The findings of this study indicated that global citizenship should be incorporated by teachers for students to become culturally sensitive and to gain an awareness of global issues. As global citizens, students should possess the tools and resources to advocate for social justice, unity, and equity. Their knowledge of historical and current events, viewed through critical and analytical lenses, would expose the unjust/just and unfavorable/favorable outcomes and activities. Hence, this equips students with the wisdom to form economic, political, social, and environmental decisions that will create a better world.


global citizenship; pre-service teachers; social justice; social studies; multicultural education

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