Exploring National Brands in the Field of Education: The Case of Kazakhstan

Lira Ibraimova, Sara Koyanbekova, Didar Ryskulbek, Bakytgul Moldagali, Samal Serikova


National brands of the Kazakh people are insufficiently researched based on the special criteria for defining the concept of a brand from a scientific perspective. This article is relevant in this context. Interest in branding and its formation is a topic staying relevant. It is a driving force behind globalization and international competition. The brand is recognized as attracting tourists and investors, strengthening business, forming the country's image, and achieving international supremacy. The study of the national brand in the field of education is also critical. In particular, it is necessary to identify national brands through associative studies for economics and tourism students. The article analyzed the concepts recognized as national brands of the Kazakh people. The frequency index of the words recognized as Kazakh national brands was determined. According to the word stimulus, "Kazakhstan," "homeland," "peaceful, independent country," and "What is the Kazakhstani brand?" "National cuisine" and "art forms" were the most answered. The experience of identifying the association has shown that using national characteristics, art, national food, and national clothes in everyday life as a national brand is not accidental. The mental characteristics and culture of the Kazakh people in the formation of a brand were determined during the research. They were introduced in the domestic and world markets, stabilized in the minds of consumers, and explained in the education system, marketing, and tourism. This situation would impact their use in the field.


association; brand formation; Kazakhstani market; national brand; national culture

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