Digital Literacy-Based Multicultural Education through Civic Education in Indonesian Junior High Schools

Muhammad Japar, Hermanto Hermanto, Siti Muyaroah, Heni Rita Susila, Hendra Alfani


This study aims to examine the role of school principals, teachers, and learning media used in implementing digital literacy-based multicultural education to help students inculcate global diversity, i.e., an inclusive mindset and the understanding and acceptance of diversity. We used a descriptive qualitative approach with a total of 14 informants, including 10 high school students, two school principals, and two civics teachers at State Junior High School 1 Ogan Komering Ulu and State Junior High School 1 Jakarta. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation and analyzed later using data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study confirm that for the studied population: 1) There is support from school principals for the implementation of the Pancasila student profile program, as evidenced by attempts to strengthen teacher competence through workshops and direct supervision at schools. 2) Teachers try to inculcate global diversity values, i.e., those related to social justice, inclusivity, respect, and tolerance in students, such that students are taught to understand and respect all cultures, which is achieved by increased communication and interaction among students belonging to different regions, cultures, and tribes. 3) Students are taught lessons via interesting learning media so that they can internalize the values of Pancasila student profiles with global diversity. The recommendations from this research are headmasters and teachers collaborate to implement the independent curriculum and can provide exemplary behavior by strengthening the Pancasila learning profile concretely and sustainably to form students' multicultural character as expected.


Civic education; digital literacy; diversity; inclusivity; multicultural education

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