Strengthening Character Education in Indonesia: Implementing Values from Moderate Islam and the Pancasila

Subaidi Subaidi


This study aims to describe which Islamic wasathiyah (moderate) and Pancasila (Indonesia’s foundational philosophical theory) values can be implemented, how those values are implemented, and why wasathiyah and Pancasila values are implemented at three madrassas to strengthen their students’ characters. This study is qualitative research that applies the descriptive method. Data were collected through interviews, documentation, and observation. The data were then analyzed through reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The research reveals that the three madrassas have applied Wasathiyah and Pancasila values in order to strengthen their students’ characters: First, Madrassa Amtsilati Bangsri promotes a character that is religious, patriotic, socially caring, and tolerant. Next, Madrassa Darul Falah builds a character that is religious, patriotic, and helpful. Finally, Madrassa Tahfidz Yanbu’ul Qur’an encourages a character that is religious, deliberate, cooperative, and tolerant. The implementation of values takes place through various academic and non-academic activities, such as diligently praying five times daily, holding regular activities such as flag-raising and memorial day ceremonies, helping throughthe infaq and shadaqah movements, teaching cleanliness and health, promoting moral attitudes and behaviors for living with a good conscience, and conducting religious and ritual activities. Implementing wasathiyah and Pancasila values has three outcomes: (i) Students in the three madrasas gain a balanced understanding of the practice of religion that covers all aspects of life, both worldly and unworldly. (ii) Students in the three madrasas learn to recognize and respect differences, both in terms of religious aspects and various other aspects of life. (iii) Students become accustomed to dealing with problems through deliberation and reaching a consensus under the principle of placing the common good above all else.



Islamic wasathiyah values, Pancasila, character education

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