Facility and Infrastructure Management at the International Class Program of the State Islamic University in Indonesia

Sari Famularsih, Agus Nuryatin, Eko Handoyo, Sri Wuli Fitriati


This study investigated the development and management of existing facilities and infrastructure at the International Class Program (ICP) of the State Institute for Islamic Studies (SIUS), Indonesia. The researchers adopted a descriptive qualitative approach involving nine informants in the professional capacities of chancellor, vice chancellor, dean, deputy dean, head of the program, director of ICP, and the heads of division and related departments. The researchers utilized observation, interview, and documentation to collect the data. The data were analyzed using content analysis, thematic analysis and Miles & Huberman model that involves data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that management of facilities and infrastructures in the ICP fulfills requirements of a place, amenity, or piece of equipment for a particular purpose and the basic physical space required for the operation of the ICP. The facility and infrastructure development and management in the ICP of SIUS account for long-term needs in accordance with the master plan that has been prepared. Furthermore, to obtain optimal development results with timely and appropriate indications, SIUS has compiled a Grand Design of Facilities and Infrastructure for 2020–2024.


Facility development and management; infrastructure development and management; ICP; SIUS

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