Religious Moderation in Islamic Religious Education as a Response to Intolerance Attitudes in Indonesian Educational Institutions

Muhaemin Muhaemin, Rusdiansyah Rusdiansyah, Mustaqim Pabbajah, Hasbi Hasbi


Intolerance attitudes are still common in school environments, and governments must dedicate efforts to building religious moderation attitudes in society. It is explained in this study that intolerance cases have not been effectively reduced by religious moderation in religious and moral education learning in public schools. A descriptive qualitative approach was applied with data sources through observations, interviews, and textbook documents. The study objectively described religious moderation content in textbooks, the time allocation of Islamic religious education (PAI) learning in schools, and the supporting activities of religious moderation in schools. The content of the textbooks on Islamic religious and moral education has not yet contained comprehensive religious moderation indicators. It can be seen from the religious indicators’ classification, such as national commitment, tolerance, antiviolence, and accommodation of local culture, that less time is available for religious and moral education. Therefore, the content of religious moderation needs to be integrated into all subjects. Likewise, extracurricular activities must be activated and filled by strengthening religious moderation, including Islamic spiritual activities. The importance of the understanding of teachers on religious moderation was proven by this finding because teachers are role models for students in religious attitudes. Additionally, evaluation is needed for educational stakeholders, such as educators, curriculum, and time allocation, to reduce intolerance cases. School stakeholders can be role models for implementing religious moderation in and out of schools.



educational institutions; intolerance; moderation of religious; religious education

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