Tripartite Interconnection to Serve High Quality and Competitiveness of Vocational School Students for the Industry in the Digital Era

Suryaman Suryaman, Achmad Zaki, Suharyanto Suharyanto, Suhadi Winoto


Most vocational high school (SMK) graduates do not have high financial competitiveness and are still unemployed, even contributing to the highest unemployment rate compared to graduates from other schools. This study aims to identify resource sharing between schools, vocational training agencies, and industry in preparing vocational high school graduates to be ready to work and highly competitive.  The research design adopted by the study is qualitative research combined with percentage descriptive research. The study was conducted in Malang.  The study subjects consisted of students, teachers, school principals, heads and staff of vocational training centers, and industrial managers who were used as places for industrial work practices. The study results show that vocational high schools cannot produce highly competitive graduates without job training institutions and large industries’ support. Resource sharing in the form of laboratories, workshops, internships, and human resources should be made between vocational high schools, vocational training centers, and industry.



competitiveness; industry; job training centers; resource sharing; schools,

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