A platform for learning entrepreneurship and complex thinking: Questionnaire validation for evaluation

Edgar Omar Lopez-Caudana, Carlos George-Reyes, Sandra Martinez Perez


Digital learning platforms as scaffolds for learning in formal and informal educational scenarios have had few assessments to determine their acceptance and success in fostering high order thinking skills. The primary objective of this study was to develop, validate, and assess the reliability of an instrument designed to measure the acceptance of a platform dedicated to nurturing complex thinking skills in social, scientific, and technological entrepreneurship. The methodology developed to systematize this process involved four stages: 1) instrument development based on the UTAUT2 model, 2) computation of the Kappa coefficient to select experts for instrument validation, 3) application of the Simplified Digital Delphi Method for validation, and 4) analysis of instrument reliability using Cronbach's alpha and McDonald's Omega coefficients. The results were 1) a questionnaire consisting of 9 dimensions and 22 items, all validated by experts and exhibiting an acceptable level of quality, exceeding the 0.8 coefficient threshold indicative of good item quality; and 2) the development of a methodology named EAAP that systematizes and objectifies the task of creating and refining an instrument and readying it for implementation. This work emphasizes the need to assess the acceptance of digital learning platforms to identify areas for improvement and promote the development of instruments using reliable methodologies.


Complex thinking; educational innovation; higher education; user experience

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